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5th January 1931 - 12th september 2007     
Retired administration officer Mr John Collins (76), of Thoresby Road, Rainworth, was cremated at Mansfield after a service at the crematorium chapel. Born and educated at New Cumnock, Scotland, Mr Collins had been a local resident for 42 years. After leaving school at the age of 13 he worked as a farm hand, after which he was a stamp worker at Ayr, before joining the Army and serving with the Royal Scots Greys. Locally, he began work at Rufford Colliery as a training officer, before becoming an administration officer, retiring in 1988 after working for British Coal for 35 years. His interests included fishing, computers, reading, solving crosswords, holidays in the Yorkshire Dales and yearly fishing trips with his friends. Mr Collins, who died at King’s Mill Hospital, Sutton, leaves his wife, Mrs May Collins, two sons George and Hugh, four daughters Maggie, Helen, Sandra and Isabel, 18 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mourners were Mr and Mrs G. Collins (representing Mrs M. Collins), Ms M. Scutt and Mr A. Ayers, Mr and Mrs P. Randall, Mrs S. Burbidge and Mr G. Struselis,Mr H. Lavender-Collins andMr I. Lavender-Collins,Mr andMrs M. Speller; Miss V. Collins (representing Miss K. Collins and Miss H. Collins), Ms M. Wilson, Miss S. Gilder; Mr P. Scutt (representing Lesa Cooper and family), Mr A. Scutt, Miss V. Place, Mr D. Randall, Miss T. Jordan; Miss J. Randall (representing D. Kirk), Miss E. Randall, Mr G. Taylor, Mr and Mrs N. Randall; Mr M. Randall (representing Lindsay and Beth Randall); Mr A. Burbidge (representing Miss C. Burbidge), Miss H. Gent; Mr A. Heath (representing A. Heath and E. Speller), Miss L. Bates; Mr and Mrs D. Collins (representing family), Mrs A. Collins, Mrs S. Keenan and Master K. Keenan; Mr L. Hamilton (representing Mrs B. Hamilton and family, Scotland); MrA. Hamilton Jnr (representing Mrs M. Hamilton and family, Scotland); MrsM. Van Eigden (representingMr H. Van Eigden and family, Holland), Miss I. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs A. Hamilton; Mrs H. Webb (representing Mr and Mrs H. Collins and family, Scotland); Mrs I. Collins (representing Mr and Mrs G. Collins and family, Scotland), Ms S. Johnson; Mr N. Heath (representing Ann Heath and Karen Buck), Ms C. Cheetham, Miss S. Jones, Ms B. Sellars,Mr andMrs J. andM. Stewart,Mary Peat, Dorothy Dunleavy, Mari Locker, Mr R. Fowles; Ms M. Wealleans (representing Miss R. and Mr M. Wealleans and Sally Wolfe), Mr J. Saunders (representing June Saunders), Mr M. Bradbury (Brad), Mrs B. Wardle; Miss M. Stirland (representing P. Krokoszynski and Mr and Mrs J. Bell), Ms J. Silcock, Mrs J. Webb, Mr A. Gilder, Myra McCulloch, Mr and Mrs D. Weir; Mr and Mrs J. Eyre (representing Mr W. Helps), Mr M. Kettle, Mr N. Fowkes, Mr and Mrs T. Wallace, Mr and Mrs W. O’Brien, Mr and Mrs D. Bartlet, Mr and Mrs M. Ingles, Mr and Mrs P. Morley, Mr and Mrs B. Lewis, Mr and Mrs R. Purdy, Mrs S. Robinson, Ms D. Sweeney, Mr and Mrs K. Scutt; Mrs C. Davies (representing Mr A. Davies); Mr S. Brown (representing Mrs A. Brown), Mrs L. Denton, Mr W. Denton, Mr H. Donaldson; Mr B. Dodd (representing Mr M. Bodey), Mr J. Dodd, Mrs C. Jewkes (Long Term Condition Team), Mrs D. Smith (Community Matron), Mr and Mrs P. Dutton, Ms J. Lewis, Mr D. Foster, Mr R. Daley; Miss J. Chivers (representing Mr D. Tarlton); Mrs L. Hind (representing Mr P. Hind); Mrs S. Randall (representing Mrs D. Gaut and Mrs L. Munn), Mr B. Allsop, Mr I. Randall. Donations received in lieu of flowers are for Ashfield Community Hospital Chest Ward. The service was conducted by the Rev B. Allsop, and arrangements were by J. W. Hutchinson.

This is the song we played at Dads Funeral.
Its a Poem by Robert Burns sang by Nickel Creek.
The river Afton flows through the village of New Cumnock where our Dad was born and brought up
Click on the link below to hear the tune
Flow gently, sweet Afton,
amang thy green braes,
Flow gently, I'll sing thee
a song in thy praise;
My Mary's asleep
by thy murmuring stream,
Flow gently, sweet Afton,
disturb not her dream.

Thou stock dove whose echo
resounds thro' the glen,
Ye wild whistly blackbirds
in yon thorny den,
Thou green crested lapwing
thy screaming forbear,
I charge you, disturb not
my slumbering fair.

How lofty, sweet Afton,
thy neighboring hills,
Far mark'd with the courses
of clear winding rills;
There daily I wander
as noon rises high,
My flocks and my Mary's
sweet cot in my eye.

How pleasant thy banks
and green valleys below,
Where, wild in the woodlands,
the primroses blow;
There oft, as mild evening
weeps over the lea,
The sweet-scented birk shades
my Mary and me.

Thy crystal stream, Afton,
how lovely it glides,
And winds by the cot where
my Mary resides;
How wanton thy waters
her snowy feet lave,
As, gathering sweet flowerets,
she stems thy clear wave.

Flow gently, sweet Afton,
amang thy green braes,
Flow gently, sweet river,
the theme of my lays;
My Mary's asleep
by thy murmuring stream,
Flow gently, sweet Afton,
disturb not her dreams.

Sweet Afton By Nickel Creek



26th Nov 1932 - 26th Nov 2007


 A service at Mansfield crematorium chapel preceded cremation of Mrs May White Collins (75), of Thoresby Road, Rainworth. Her ashes were later buried together with her late husband, John, at Mansfield cemetery. Born at Rankinston, Ayrshire, Scotland, and educated at Little Mill School, Rankinston, Mrs Collins had been a local resident for 42 years. Leaving school at the age of 14 she was empoyed at Glenpark Hospital, Ayr, later working at Ransom Wood Hospital and Mansfield Community Hospital as a domestic, before retiring in 1990. She enjoyed time with her children and grandchildren, crosswords, music, reading, her garden and holidays in the Yorkshire Dales with her husband, John, who died in September 2007. Mrs Collins, who died at King’s Mill Hospital, Sutton, on her 75th birthday, leaves her two sons, George and Hugh, four daughters Maggie, Helen, Sandra and Isabel, 18 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Mourners were Mr and Mrs G. Collins; Ms M. Scutt (representing Mr A. Ayers), Mr and Mrs P. Randall, Mrs S. Burbidge and Mr G. Struselis, Mr H. Lavender-Collins and Mr I. Lavender-Collins, Mr and Mrs M. Speller; Miss V. Collins (representing Miss K. Collins and Miss H. Collins), Mr J. Malowski, Ms M. Wilson, Miss S. Gilder, Mr P. Scutt (representing Ms L. Cooper and family), Mr A. Scutt, Mr D. Randall; Miss J. Randall (representing Master D. Kirk), Miss E. Randall, Mr G. Taylor, Mr and Mrs N. Randall; Mr M. Randall (representing Beth Randall), Miss L. Randall; Mr A. Burbidge (representing Miss C. Burbidge), Miss H. Gent; Mr A. Heath (representing Alistair Heath and Elliot Speller), Miss L. Bates; Mr and Mrs G. Collins Snr (representing Mr and Mrs H. Collins, Scotland), Mr and Mrs D. Collins, Mrs D. Wortley, Mrs A. Collins, Mr S. Keenan; Mr L. Hamilton (representing Mrs B. Hamilton and family, Scotland); Mrs M. Van Eigden (representing Mr H. Van Eigden and family, Holland), Miss I. Hamilton, Mr and Mrs A. Hamilton, Ms I. Collins; Mr N. Heath (representing Mrs A. Heath, Mrs K. Buck, Mrs C. Cheetham, Mrs S. Jones, Mrs B. Sellars, Mrs J. Jordan, Mr and Mrs J. Stewart, Mrs M. Peat, Mrs M. Locker, Mrs L. Gibson, Mr F. Fowles, Mrs S. Wolfe; Ms M. Wealleans (representing Miss R. and Mr M. Wealleans); Mr and Mrs J. Saunders (representing Mrs D. Walter, Mrs S. Bleby and Mr C. Saunders), Mr M. Bradbury, Mrs J. Silcock, Mrs A. Peggs, Mrs J. Webb, Mr A. Gilder, Mr and Mrs J. McCulloch, Mr and Mrs D. Weir, Mr and Mrs T. Wallace, Mr and Mrs M. Inglis; Mrs Y. Purdy (representing Mr R. Purdy), Mrs S. Robinson, Ms D. Sweeney, Mr and Mrs K. Scutt; Mrs C. Davies (representing Mr A. Davies), Mrs L. Denton: Mr W. Denton (representing Mr and Mrs S. Brown); Ms J. Lewis (representing Mr and Mrs B. Lewis), Mr R. Daly; Miss J. Chivers (representing Mr D. Tarlton), Mrs D. Dickinson; Mrs L. Hind (representing Mr P. Hind), Mrs D. Gaut, Mr B. Allsop; Mr and Mrs I. Randall (representing Mrs S. Randall); Mr W. Learmonth (representing Mr and Mrs W. Bradshaw); Mrs K. Learmonth (representing Mrs K. Ludden). Floral tributes were from family, friends and neighbours. The service was conducted by the Rev B. Allsop, and arrangements were by J. W. Hutchinson.

This was one of Mum's many favourite Scottish Tunes that we played at her Funeral.

These Are My Mountains

  1. For fame and for fortune, I wandered the earth
    And now I've come back to
    This land of my birth
    I’ve brought back my treasures
    But only to find
    They're less than the pleasures
    I first left behind

    For these are my mountains, And this is my glen
    The braes of my childhood
    , Will know me again
    No land's ever claimed me, Tho'far I did roam
    For these are my mountains, And I'm going home
  2. The burn by the road sings, at my going by
    The whaup o’er the head wings
    With welcoming cry
    The loch where the scart flies
    At last I can see
    Its here where my heart lies
    It’s here I’ll be free
  3. Kind faces will greet me
    And welcome me in
    And how they will greet me
    My ain kith and kin
    This night round the ingle
    Old songs will be sung
    At last I'll be hearing My ain mother tongue

For These Are My Mountains Alexander Brothers

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